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w e l c o m e

Welcome to Odyssey's End, a writing haven for all ages. If you're an aspiring or accomplished writer, and want to improve upon your skills, this is the place for it! With our differing sections, including Medieval, Old West, and Mythical, we have room for every genre. And our helpful crew can answer any of your questions. If you aren't familiar with the whole layout of writing forums, or forums in general, then scroll down to meet the staff and get some help starting out!

s t a f f

TheElves The creator and admin of the site, who is willing and ready to help you out, give you tips, get you started, or just talk. If you have any questions, suggestions, she's the one to ask. Think something's missing from OE? Don't hesitate to tell it! TheElves lives in the South, has a strange ability to bust out dancing for no reason at all, and likes music, drawing, writing (of course!), bass guitar, scottish accents, and all things Volbeat. Her characters are all pathetically, irresistibly cute guys with major flaws and absolutely no charm.

Feythe A moderator on OE and good friend of TheElves. Feythe has mad writing abilities, has the answer for any Assassin's Creed question you can toss at her, and is a very stylish person indeed. She takes joy in writing with dangerous, crazy characters that everyone eventually falls in love with despite their best efforts not to. With many talents, hardly any of them known to the rest of us, Feythe is one of the coolest, most down-to-earth people you'll meet.

r o l e p l a y

Here's different samples of role plays currently going on at OE to help you understand how things roll around here.

Wild Horse The tall black stallion walked carefully through the dim forest. His eyes darted around for any sign of a predator, or a lone mare. Tossing his sleek black mane he walked carefully down the hill toward a small crack. Lipping at the water he kept his muscles tense and ready for action under his black coat. Lifting his head he flicked an ear back hearing a noise. Almost like someone falling. He moved swiftly to see what ever happened.
Post Written by BabyBirdWispers You can read full thread here.

Fantasy/Mythical Alexsys rolled his top lip up, baring feet-long fangs, I'm going. Expect me back within a few days. Swishing his crimson tail, the dragon unfurled his paper-thin wings and took flight, clipping Feythe's shoulder with a talon as he went. She gasped; pearl-blue blood dripped down a slim cut in the elf's shoulder, mottling her chainmail. Feythe swore colourfully and clutched her cut, leaning forwards as Cyees sprang into a quick gallop. Though the mare was small, she found it easy to keep up with Maus, ears pricked and tail held high. Feythe shook her long, almost black tresses out of her eyes, "Where do we go from here?"
Post Written by Feythe You can read full thread here.

Pirate He sat down at the Blackjack table, rum in hand. A crooked smile played on his lips as he got his cards. Most Pirates liked to play Poker, some insane gambling game. After 3 years of his crew mates trying to teach him, Benjamin still didn't get the concept. Too many cards, too many moves, too many mistakes... So he stuck with Blackjack. An easy game with easy rules. Perfect. Feet up on the table, he looked at his two cards closely. Easy win. In the end of the first round, he had gained 20 more shillings. He'd still need a little more for his voyage. Glancing over at the Poker table, he watched his crew mates playing Poker. Sometimes he wished his brain could comprehend the game, so he wouldn't have to be over here. Benjamin eyed the Poker table, then the Blackjack table. Groaning, he put his cards down and grabbed his rum before he walked over to the Poker table.
Post Written by Vertigo You can read full thread here.

Medieval Carly sat on the foot of her bed. She knew she would never bask in the glory of ruling the country. She could no longer even be princess. Soon she would be a slave, under the rule of the new king. She hid her emotions as men barged in and carried her away by the arms. Carly didn't dare struggle. The tiara was yanked out of her blonde hair, and with it, her last bit of power was gone. "Come princess, you don't live here anymore." One men said sharply. "Permítame decirle adiós a mi familia!" Carly shouted. When one man translated 'Allow me to say goodbye to my family!', the other man refused. "Your family is gone." Carly closed her eyes. She knew this had to be a dream. 'Carly, wake up' she told herself. Nothing happened. It was really happening. Carly going to become a slave.
Post Written by Echelon You can read full thread here.
